GSA Proposes Technology Transformation Service
Earlier this week GSA announced a significant reorganization adding a third “service” by combining 18F with the Office of Citizen...

What Can Cyrrus Analytics Do For Your Company?
With a reputation for bipartisan thought leadership and collegial, team-centric collaboration, Cyrrus Analytics offers our clients...

GSA’s New Cloud Vehicle
GSA plans to revamp its cloud offerings and consolidate cloud acquisitions into a single vehicle where agencies can compare alternatives....

New Reforms Proposed by FedRAMP Program Office
We wanted to make you aware that this morning the FedRAMP program office released a new initiative to accelerate the FedRAMP...

The 300,000 MPH Volkswagen
Most people who work in technology are familiar with Moore’s Law- the principle formulated by Gordon Moore of Intel that the power and...

What's Missing From FITARA
Why can’t the government successfully complete complex IT projects? This question persists whether one is talking about Healthcare.gov or...

How Cloud Can Restore Trust between Police and their Communities
On December 18, 2014, President Obama signed an Executive Order establishing the Task Force on 21rst Century Policing. Created in...

A Carousel for Cloud: Agencies Need Revolving IT Funds
Within the past two years the American public witnessed the worst nightmare a Federal CIO could imagine. The Centers for Medicare and...